Communities Between Islands: Exhibition in Athens

October 10 – November 02, 2024
Goethe-Institut Athen
14-16 Omirou, Athens

Opening: October 10, 19.00 

Sarah-Anaïs Desbenoit – Dania Shihab, Latent Community (Sotiris Tsiganos & Ionian Bishai), Marianne Fahmy, Elke Marhöfer, Amalia Vargas

The exhibition Communities Between Islands brings together a selection of works produced in the context of the homonymous residency project. Invited artists travel between Corsica, Sardinia and Syros in the “off season” beyond the summer months to experience local realities through a series of workshops and explore the unseen facets of each island. From neglected ruins to secretive military interventions and uncharted ecosystems, the artists use documentary methods and fiction through analogue and digital media to highlight the common Mediterranean geography shared by these islands. The exhibition hall of the Goethe-Institute Athen is flooded with images that invite us to explore contemporary environmental concerns and the historical ruptures and continuities that stem from different island temporalities.

Communities Between Islands is a two-year itinerant residency project involving Providenza in Corsica, Cherimus in Sardinia and Archipelago Network in Syros. The first cycle, entitled Untraced passages (September-October 2023), hosted Marianne Fahmy (1992, Egypt), Latent Community (Sotiris Tsiganos, 1992 and Ionian Bishai, 1992), Greece) and Elke Marhöfer (1967, Germany). The second cycle entitled Woven by the currents (May-June 2024) hosted Sarah-Anais Desbenoit (1992, France), Dania Shihab (1982, Iraq) and Amalia Vargas (1994, Colombia). The third and final cycle …and so we’ll end up singing, features Maya Aghniadis (1991, Greece/Lebanon), Roberto Casti (1992, Italy) and Lukas De Clerck (1994, Belgium) and concludes in mid-October 2024.

Communities Between Islands is a Creative Europe project funded by the European Commission and implemented with the support of the Goethe-Institut Athens and the J. F. Costopoulos Foundation

The exhibition in Athens is realized in collaboration with the Syros International Film Festival.

Artistic Direction: Jacob Moe, Eva Vaslamatzi
Production: Stefania Koutsoupia
On-site Production: Dimitra Dernikou, Xeni Kottaki
Visual Identity: Heart Studio
Communication: Maria Paktiti