visual practices 		
       cultural life        natural environment 

	    regional memory 

                  Cyclades islandss
 visual practices 		

    cultural life        

   natural environment 

  regional memory 

     Cyclades islandss


The Aegean islands are havens of diasporic culture, traditional knowledge and biodiversity. Yet today, accelerating forces such as overtourism and the global climate crisis exert local pressures on these coastal communities, threatening knowledge systems and environmental equilibriums. In this context, Archipelago Network takes up the Cyclades islands as laboratories for field research, residencies, publications, online projects and public programs. The initiative works at the intersection of visual practices, cultural life, and the natural environment, providing open access to its digital collections while contributing to the development of local and regional memory through documentation and outreach activities.



Αrchival collections

Archipelago Network’s online platform hosts the organization’s open access digital audiovisual archive. Its initial collections concern material related to Syros, digitized over the course of its 2021-23 projects.


For information, please contact
Archipelago Network at